Voluntary Action Arun & Chichester


Rehabilitation Support Volunteer

For Circles South East

Register your Interest

Circles South East requires volunteers to support those who are at risk of perpetrating acts of sexual harm.

A ’Circle of Support and Accountability’ is a group of Volunteers from a local community which forms a Circle around an individual who has been convicted of sexual harm. Each Circle consists of about 4 volunteers and a Core Member. Circles have been proven to successfully reduce reoffending rates.

Circles South East is a strong believer in equality and inclusion and requires volunteers who are representatives of their community.

Suitable for the following areas of interest:

  • Those with an interest in Criminal Justice, fairness and reintegration.
  • Those skilled at befriending and working in small groups.
  • Particularly relevant to students studying criminology, psychology or related disciplines.
  • Those interested in working with specific client groups.
  • Those interested in working for a charity.


Volunteers must be over 18. Although you may apply earlier with a view to attending training once aged 18.

Volunteers must have:

  • The ability to be empathetic
  • A belief in Restorative Justice
  • The ability to separate an individual from their behaviour
  • Good communication skills
  • Reliability
  • Analytical thinking and problem-solving
  • The ability to manage emotions appropriately, behave appropriately and maintain personal boundaries
  • Remain non-judgmental where appropriate
  • Be respectful and constructive
  • The ability to work as part of a team and use own initiative

About Circles South East

Circles South East/Circles London is an award-winning charity committed to reducing sexual harm. We do this through several methods, we encourage and promote the rehabilitation, treatment, education and care of persons who have committed sexual offences, with the goal of reducing re-offending. We assist people to access the better, stronger parts of themselves and to use this to reduce their sexually harmful behaviour, and thus the impact of such behaviours on survivors or potential victims.

Circles South East is invested in the protection and care of victims and others affected by offending behaviour.


  • Crime, Victims and Offenders


  • Supporting People and Befriending


  • Yes - DBS check required
    Yes you will be required to undertake a DBS check. (A conviction does not necessarily exclude volunteers but it is recommend you discuss this with a coordinator prior to training).
  • Yes - Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Yes - Expenses reimbursed
    Travel and DBS (if needed)
  • Yes - Health and Safety Policy
  • Yes - Is it fully accessible
  • Yes - Ongoing support
    We offer full training support and ongoing supervision
  • Yes - Suitable for physical or sensory impairment
  • No - Suitable for Under 18's
  • Yes - Training provided
  • Yes - Volunteer Policy
  • Yes - Volunteers covered by insurance
  • Yes - Written role description


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Morning Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Afternoon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Evening No No No No No No No

Our volunteering options are built around the availability of our volunteers. Some volunteering options may require travel and expenses for this can be reimbursed. Time Commitment Due to the nature of this volunteer role, we are keen for volunteers must commit to between 1 year and 18 months, with the possibility of this being extended if the Core Member has ongoing issues. Volunteering generally takes the form of 2-3 hours a week (including travel), although once experienced some volunteers chose to contribute longer hours.


This opportunity is available in: Arun District, Chichester District

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